One of my favorites, Simon Sinek, encourages people to find their “why.” Here is my why:
To create relationships and an atmosphere at work that fosters health so that people can be their best version at work, at home, and in the world.

After a few years of leading our team at the hospital, I decided it was time to part ways. In all honesty, there were things that were so amazing about that job. My team was built up of amazing people, and I knew my leadership was a key factor in that success. With that said, I was part of a larger corporate entity that dictated what I could and could not do.
I decided I wanted out! I started a small solo private practice about 4 years ago. From solo to group in 6 months, then from group to a second location in 2 years. We have been scaling up for the last 2 years with more plans in the future to continue our growth.
I am most proud of the team I have built and how they are able to work in a place that allows them to do their best work, while living their best life.
My World
- Owner of Pivotal Counseling Center, a multi-location group practice
- Run a not-for-profit focusing on healthy relationships leading to healthy families
- Coach, Consultant, Speaker
- Mother to 3 boys and lucky to call myself wife to an amazing husband